Howdy Partner

We're Looking For Good Ideas & Great People!

Tell us your business dream, and we could be on your team!

Business is Better with a Partner...

When you have an idea for a new business or product, it can be incredibly difficult to know where to even start. Let alone actually bring it to life. Let alone actually make any #@%*ing money.

We’ve all been there.

Doing it all by yourself is an option. But it’s tough. Really tough. You can never have all the skills and experience you need. Things tend to go much slower (and cost much more) than you’d hoped. And, let’s be honest, it gets pretty lonely.

Some people are lucky enough to have family and friends who can help. But that doesn’t always work out. Are they really the people you need? Are they really as committed as you? Is Christmas going to be super awkward now because your cousin still hasn’t done that marketing stuff he said he would? Come on Steve! It’s been four months!

The other option is to pay professionals to help you get things off the ground. That is a really great option! For them. For you… it can be a slippery slope to spending a lot of money you never see a return on. And you’ll still feel lonely. Broke. And lonely. 

"Would you try to climb Mt Everest by yourself? No. Because who would you high five at the top?!"

Why Should We Partner Up...?

You have skills and experience we don’t have. 

We have skills and experience you don’t have.

Imagine if we pooled our skills and experience. And our passion. And commitment. And resources.

We might be unstoppable!

Hit Squad was formed through a partnership of two people who wanted to make something happen. Something that we couldn’t do (as well) as individuals. And we did it.

Over the years we’ve worked with all sorts of companies, in all sorts of industries, as well as built our own businesses. We know how to get stuff done.

We want to get more stuff done. That means new ideas, new people, and new energy. So…. come at us!

Want to know more about us?

Get in touch!

Don’t worry – we’re not dickheads. We’ll never be negative about what you’re working on. If anything, we’ll be overly enthusiastic! 

We really love talking to people who are passionate about launching a project, growing a business, or creating a new product. Big or small – it’s always a great chat. 

Hit us up!


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to have a full business plan (etc) to reach out to you?

Nah! We’re not expecting a formal pitch or anything. We’re more than happy to just start with a chat about what you’re thinking/doing, and how we might be able to help (or join in!).

If you have a full business plan, that’s great too. 

Do I need to have a big, scalable, world-dominating idea? Or can it just be a small thing?

It can be anything. Sometimes small ideas can become big ideas. And big ideas can end up only being small ideas…

Hit us up with whatever you’ve got. We’re keen to talk about anything. Who knows where it might lead?! 

What sort of ideas (in what sort of industry etc) are you looking for?

We work across a LOT of industries. With big and small companies. The things we do are reasonably universal.

If we’re interested in an idea, it doesn’t matter what industry it is in… we’re interested!

One of the big keys is: what do you bring to the table? Let’s say you’re pitching an idea about… plumbing. We’d probably need someone on the team that knew plumbing. And we don’t know plumbing… so that would need to be you.

The great thing about partnership is that you can pool your collective skills and experience together. You might have some specific knowledge about your industry, and we might have a bunch of additional business skills to bring your idea to life. 

Would you be interested in working with someone who is [insert gender, age etc here]?

Absolutely! We work with lots of different people, from lots of different backgrounds.

There’s huge power in diversity in business. You’ll know things we’ve never even thought of!

Email us!

Would you be interested in working with me if I live in X town/city/region?

We have clients all over New Zealand. We travel all the time. We don’t care where you are. We care about you and your idea.

Email us!

Would you want to buy shares in my business?

We’re open to anything. Including the potential of buying shares into a business as part of a partnership arrangement.

But that sort of stuff is a discussion for down the track. Let’s start with a chat.

How does the legal side of a ‘partnership’ work?

It totally depends on the situation. Some of the people we work with have contracts with us. Others just have an ongoing (informal) relationship. 

When it comes to partnerships, we’re always keen to make sure everyone is legally protected. And feels 100% safe about working with us.

If it helps, we have been in business for a long time… with zero legal issues. Well, except for the time an international energy drink brand tried to sue us for a trademark infringement! That’s a good story…

What’s to stop you stealing my idea?!

This is something we all worry about when we’re starting out. But once you’ve been in business for a while, you realise that coming up with an idea is actually the easy bit… executing the idea is the very, very hard part!

e.g., I had the idea for an electric car company… but Elon just beat me to it! Bastard!

Wild claims aside, most ideas are not as unique as we think they are. And ideas often have to change when you start taking things to market. Execution really is 99%. 

You can also rest-assured we’re not at all interested in taking on new business ideas by ourselves. Hence this whole ‘partnership’ thing. We’re only interested in teaming up to help good people, with specific skills we don’t have, to execute their great ideas in a way they couldn’t otherwise do. That’s our bag.

However, if you’re ever worried your idea is so brilliant that we might steal it and make millions of dollars… (and hey, it might be!) …. we’ll happily sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) at any time. 

Contact Greg

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